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Training for MPWiK Warsaw S.A.

  • Training for MPWiK Warsaw S.A.

On: 5th, 17th and 24th July 2024, anti-terrorist prevention training was held for members of the management and employees of the Municipal Water and Sewage Company of the Capital City of Warsaw S.A.

During the meeting, the special role of entities related to the uninterrupted supply of water for the proper functioning of economic and social life in the Republic of Poland, which may be exposed to threats for this reason, was pointed out. The characteristics of the threats to the security of the Republic of Poland were discussed.  In this context, recommended ways of proceeding in the event of crisis situations, in particular an attack by an armed perpetrator and the use of a so-called dangerous shipment, were indicated.

The training is an element of an ongoing awareness-raising campaign to popularise knowledge of threats among personnel of entities responsible for the ongoing and uninterrupted provision of collective needs of the population.


Opcje strony
