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Multi-agency cooperation on terrorist prevention

The possibility of a terrorist phenomenon is nowadays one of the most serious threats in the security sector. Activities of member states of the European community in the field of terrorist prevention is one of the key elements of counteracting extremism. The initiative taken by Spain reflects the work of the Terrorism Prevention Centre of Excellence ABW.

At the end of September, members of the Spanish judiciary met within the framework of an EU project in the area of prevention of radicalisation and international legal assistance in criminal law. The aim of the meeting was to consolidate and deepen the participants' knowledge in relation to the phenomenon of radicalisation, as well as the prevention of terrorist incidents. Among the discussed contents, attention was drawn to the deepening of radical attitudes in penitentiary institutions, as well as the possibility of a terrorist incident in public space. The issues raised during the meeting, are part of good EU practices implemented in Poland by the Terrorism Prevention Centre of Excellence ABW. Both Poland and Spain emphasize the participation of the Justice and Penitentiary Service, in order to exchange experiences between departments.

All actions taken are aimed at shaping a culture of security by building anti-terrorist awareness in society. The initiative taken by Spain is similar to the activities carried out by the TPCoE ABW, which based on international cooperation has developed a system of good practices.

EU Project:

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