Terrorism Prevention Centre of Excellence

2024-05-06, 17:40

Hybrid actions on the border with Poland are in line with the predictions of the EU-HYBNET project

The EU-HYBNET project, in which ABW’s Terrorism Prevention Centre of Excellence participates, has, already in 2020, identified the possibility of exploiting weaknesses related to the protection of borders by an aggressor, using, among others, the migration movement, supported by an information campaign reinforced by "fake news".

As predicted, an attempt is currently being made by Belarus to exploit the systemic vulnerabilities of UE democracy using tools at its disposal. The aim is an attempt to influence the decision-making process in Poland, which may translate, among other things, into decisions made by public security services. Activities are conducted in several areas, using vulnerabilities such as cultural (assistance to migrants), military (military exercises) and information (fake news). Additionally, according to the theory of hybrid actions, the participation of persons from the country subjected to such actions, who unwittingly fulfil the intentions of the aggressor state, is envisaged.

The ABW’s Terrorism Prevention Centre of Excellence encourages interested entities, whose activities are connected with counteracting hybrid threats, to join the EU-HYBNET network of practitioners in order to exchange experiences. Project website and contact to the coordinator: www.euhybnet.eu

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