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TPCoE trains representatives of the Ministry of Justice

On 14 September 2022, a representative of TPCOE participated in a staff training of the Ministry of Justice carried out on the premises of the Court of Appeal in Krakow.

During the meeting, Internal Security Agency representative discussed the issues of hybrid threats especially in the context of the current geopolitical situation on the Kiev-Moscow and Moscow-Warsaw lines. The event was attended by senior executives from such centres as the Institute of Justice, the Prof. Jan Sehn Institute of Forensic Expertise, the National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution, the Higher School of Justice, the Institute of Economic and Financial Expertise, the Institute of Medical Expertise and the Cyber Security Centre, among others. The event provided a contribution to the discussion of the role and function of information in the process of disinformation and polarisation of society.

Participation in the conducted staff training is a continuation of the activities of TPCoE in the field of training and raising awareness of threats resulting from ongoing geopolitical and technological changes.

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