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Training for the Warsaw School of Economics

On 21 February 2024, representatives of TPCoE conducted training on counter-terrorism prevention and cyber-security for administrative staff and employees of the security division of the Warsaw School of Economics.

During the event, the 4U! awareness campaign promoted by TPCoE was discussed. The need to recognise the symptoms of terrorist threats was emphasised. In the following part, recommended ways of proceeding in the event of a terrorist attack, e.g. coming into contact with an armed perpetrator, a hostage situation and obtaining a so-called dangerous package, were also presented.

Within the thematic block related to cyber security, the basic types of threats in the infosphere (e.g. phising, ransomware), methods of securing data against unauthorised access and principles of safe use of the internet, among others, were indicated.   

The training is part of increasing the resilience of academic centres as part of the public space vulnerable to cyber-attacks and acts of violence.

Opcje strony
